These conditions of carriage form the basis of our contract with you if you travel with us, or on any of our premises that form part of the Wellington Cable Car (WCCL).
You agree to and are bound by, these conditions as well as the conditions of use specified on paper Tickets (where applicable), and terms specified on the Wellington Cable Car website when you choose to travel on the Wellington Cable Car or any premises used as part of the Wellington Cable Car network, for any other purpose.
These conditions may change from time to time and will be provided on our website.
Our staff are required to ensure that these conditions are adhered to and, where relevant, may exercise discretion in ensuring that these conditions are complied with on our behalf.
We always try to run reliable and punctual services according to the timetable. However, departure and arrival times are not guaranteed.
Sometimes for circumstances beyond our reasonable control and for unplanned service disruptions, services may not run according to our published timetables. Examples include adverse weather conditions, mechanical, electrical, or communications failures; safety concerns; power failures; disasters; emergencies, and industrial action.
If service disruptions occur, we may change timetables or stop or cancel services without giving you, or other customers notice. If services are cancelled, replacement services will not be provided by Wellington Cable Car.
If there is a service disruption, we will do our best to:
Tell you why;
Keep you informed about service changes during your journey; and
Provide information about disruptions and service changes via the Wellington Cable Car website and social media channels.
Where service disruptions are within our reasonable control, we will try to remedy these within a reasonable time.
Some service disruptions are planned or are known in advance, for example, our Annual Maintenance Shutdown (AMS). We will provide you with information on planned service disruptions via notices at our Terminals and via other media channels, such as website, EDMs, and social media channels.
Cable Car Capacity and Health & Safety
There is fixed capacity on the Cable Car, and there may be occasions when a Car reaches its passenger capacity limit. If a Car is full, you may be refused entry to board it, and you will need to wait till the next departure.
Given the changing nature of operating during a global pandemic, WCCL takes its advice from MOH and NZ Government. We follow instructions and these can, and do change frequently.
We request that all passengers:
- take reasonable care of their own health and safety
- take reasonable care that the things they do not harm the health and safety of other people; and
- follow reasonable instructions given by the Cable Car driver or other staff so that they can comply with their health and safety duties.
Getting on and off the Cable Car
If you are waiting to board the Car from an intermediate station, you must ensure that you are clearly visible to the driver at your stop and ensure that you have pressed the stop request button located at your station.
If you are waiting to disembark the Car at an intermediate station, you must ensure that you have pressed the stop request button located by the doors on the Cable Car.
If passengers are waiting to get off the Cable Car at the front door of the Cable Car, you must let these passengers get off before you get on the Cable Car.
Fares and Tickets
You must have a valid ticket or proof of entitlement to travel on our services. You must keep your ticket safe, undamaged and unaltered for the whole of your journey and present it on request. Otherwise, you may be required to pay another fare.
Each ticket is valid under its own conditions of use as specified on paper Tickets, the Wellington Cable Car website tickets and fares section and these conditions. All pricing is displayed and charged in New Zealand dollars and include relevant taxes. WCCL reserves the right to alter published prices at any time.
Tickets are valid for the journey stated and, no advance reservation is required.
Casual Riders Tickets are valid for six (6) months from the date of purchase. All tickets are non-refundable after purchase.
Multi Trip passes are valid for twelve (12) months from date of purchase. Expired trips/passes are non-refundable.
Information about Wellington Cable Car fares, including fare types, ticket prices and how and where Wellington Cable Car Tickets can be purchased are set out on the Wellington Cable Car website Timetables & Fares page.
Off-peak hours are between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and after 6:30 pm on weekdays; and all day on weekends and public holidays.
Wellington Cable Car staff may ask to inspect your Ticket. If you fail to produce a valid Ticket for your journey, you may be asked to leave the Car or pay another fare. You will not be eligible for a refund should you later find a missing Ticket.
We have a range of concession fares which provide discounted fares. Concessions are available for the following, subject to detailed eligibility rules set out in our tickets and fares section.
- New Zealand Students with valid ID cards,
- valid New Zealand Community Services Card holders,
- On-peak New Zealand SuperGold Card holders.
NZ SuperGold Card use on Cable Car
NZ SuperGold Card holders are entitled to free travel during off-peak hours, and in accordance with the SuperGold Card eligibility. During on-peak hours you will need to pay the concession fare.
For further details refer to the SuperGold website.
NZ Secondary or Tertiary Students;
Full Time Secondary or Tertiary students, aged over 16 are entitled to concession fares when travelling on the Cable Car. Proof of age may or valid New Zealand school ID, may be required to obtain student fares.
From time to time, we may run certain initiatives or promotions which may be restricted to certain routes, times, fare and payment types and be subject to such terms and conditions as we advise.
Children aged under five (5) years are eligible for free travel on the Cable Car and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Children aged between 5 and 15 years (inclusive) are entitled to child rates when travelling on the Cable Car. Proof of age may be required to obtain child fares.
Multiple hazards exist on the Cable Car Premises, and children must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian whilst on Wellington Cable Car premises.
Family Passes
Family passes are bundled products that offer discounted tickets for eligible children (under the age of 15) and supervising parents and guardian.
Multi Trip
If you are using a Wellington Cable Car Multi Trip pass, the card must be loaded with a valid trip balance.
Multi Trip Cards can only be used by the person to which they are issued to. They are NOT valid for group travel.
There is no charge for the issue of new Multi-Trip Cards. Charges apply to replace lost or stolen cards. Damage or faulty cards are replaced free of charge.
When loading new trips onto a Student Multi-Trip Card, you must present your valid NZ Student ID.
Multi Trip passes are valid for twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. Expired trips/passes are non-refundable.
We prefer electronic forms of payment as we work toward as a cashless operation, however, we will continue to accept cash for the time being.
EFTPOS facilities are not available on our Cars or on any location other than Lambton Quay.
If you are not travelling through Lambton Quay terminal, you can purchase a cash fare from the driver. When paying by cash, it is preferred that you have the exact amount as drivers have a limited cash float and may not be able to provide change.
A 1.5% surcharge applies to all contactless and credit card payments onsite at the Ticket Box. By choosing to pay by contactless payment or with a credit card, you acknowledge and accept this surcharge. The 1.5% credit card surcharge is non-refundable as this fee is charged by our payment provider and not retained by us. If a refund is issued due to an error on our part, we may refund the surcharge at our discretion.
So you have a safe and comfortable journey
So everyone can travel comfortably and safely, you are encouraged to:
Be courteous to fellow passengers;
Sit down if a seat is available;
Offer your seat to someone who needs it more than you, for example, older people, pregnant women or people with a disability or who have mobility difficulties;
Not place bags or other items on seats at times when seating is limited;
Wear footwear;
Do not place your feet on seats;
Please refrain from consuming food in the Car;
Only play music using headphones and at a volume that does not disturb other passengers;
Take your rubbish and belongings with you when you leave the Cable Car; and
You must obey all notices and co-operate with, and follow all instructions from, our staff.
We encourage you to interact with our staff, but you must not speak to a Cable Car driver while the Cable Car is moving, except in an emergency.
If there are no seats available or you choose to stand, you must hold onto a fixed object such as a pole or strap while the Cable Car is moving. You may not stand where you might obstruct others from entering or exiting the Cable Car.
You must not carry onto our Cars or pack in any luggage any dangerous articles, including but not limited to weapons, compression gases, corrosives, explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, oxidising materials, poisons and infectious substances.
The following activities or behaviours are not allowed on our Cars:
Distracting or obstructing the driver;
Interfering with any equipment on the Cable Car;
Using emergency equipment or emergency exits, except in an emergency;
Putting feet or footwear on seats;
Using offensive language;
Smoking or using e-cigarettes (or other similar "vaping" devices);
Carrying any weapon or any noxious or illegal substance;
Damaging, soiling, littering or misusing any part of the Cable Car;
Throwing anything in or from the Cable Car;
Doing anything illegal;
Distributing anything, offering anything for sale or collecting for charity; or
Doing anything which endangers or causes discomfort or offence to any other person.
If another passenger is not complying with these conditions, please tell one of our staff and we will advise the passenger what they need to do to comply or take other appropriate action.
If you notice any suspicious activity or unattended luggage, please tell our staff as soon as possible.
You may drink on the Cable Car, provided that drinks are non-alcoholic and in a container with a lid (to prevent spillage). Eating is not permitted on the Cars, unless due to a medical condition, in which case only cold food is allowed.
Travelling with Children
All children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Children must always wear appropriate footwear and not walk or stand near the edges of platforms at any point.
The Cable Car has limited capacity for carrying prams (including buggies and strollers). Space is limited and is offered on a first-come, first-served basis as capacity allows.
Travelling with cycles, scooters, skateboards and similar equipment
Cycles, scooters, skateboards and similar equipment may generally be carried inside our Cars, so long as they:
Do not unduly interfere with other customers, or;
Are not likely to cause injury to anyone or damage to any property;
You may carry skates onto the Car, but you may not wear them or use them on board.
Passengers may be refused entry to the Cable Car with cycles, scooters, skateboards and similar equipment if the Car is crowded. We will usually be able to accomodate you on the next departure, unless the crowds persist, for example during a visit by a cruise ship or public holiday weekend.
We encourage our regular passengers with bicycles to avoid the busiest part of a cruise ship day, 10am - 2pm.
We are not liable for loss or damage to cycles, scooters, skateboards, similar equipment or any other property that you wish to travel with.
Travelling with Luggage
We try to accommodate passengers travelling with luggage, but this is at our discretion and at your risk. You must follow all instructions given by our staff in relation to items brought onto a Car.
Luggage must not block any emergency exits or other passengers' access on or off the Cable Car or movement inside the Cable Car.
Staff may refuse to carry any item if the available space for luggage is already full, or which they believe to be:
Excessively large;
Hazardous or otherwise likely to cause injury to anyone or damage to any property; or
Due to its nature or condition, likely to cause offence or discomfort to another passenger.
We do not carry unaccompanied luggage or store luggage at any Cable Car premises. We are not liable for loss or damage to your luggage or any other property you wish to travel with.
Travelling with Dogs
Wellington Cable Car welcomes calm dogs, trained and well-socialised with humans and other dogs;
All dogs must be on a leash or in a suitable carrier at all times whilst travelling on the Cable Car, or at any terminal or intermediate stations, and if you continue through the Botanical Gardens or Lambton Quay;
Owners will be responsible for cleaning up any mess created by their dogs travelling on the Cable Car or at any terminal or intermediate stations. This may also include the need to remove waste, clean and disinfect surfaces;
Service dogs take priority on-boarding and are not required to purchase a dog ticket;
If you are travelling with a pet dog and see a service dog board the Cable Car, please ensure your Dog does not distract the team;
Dogs can travel at any time during our operational hours. WCCL reserves the right to change rules associated with Dogs at any time without prior notice;
If the Cable Car is reaching passenger capacity if there are already other dogs waiting to travel, you may be asked to wait for the next Cable Car;
A limit of 2 dogs per passenger and anyone handling a Dog must be over 16 years of age;
Dogs must enter, exit and travel on the lower landing;
WCCL is not liable or responsible for any incident or injury;
Dog carriage may be suspended at any time and without notice or as conditions change;
Other domesticated animals may travel on the Cable Car provided they are in a suitable carrier;
Travelling in Large Groups
Large school groups (10 or more students) must be supervised by responsible adults.
We encourage larger groups to travel during off-peak periods. This is to minimise the possibility that we may not be able to accommodate your entire group in a single Car. If there is insufficient room, the group may be asked to travel in multiple services.
Using a Wheelchair or Mobility Aid on our Cars
The Wellington Cable Car Cable Car has platinum accreditation to make transport an easy and convenient experience for people with disabilities.
Space is limited, so wheelchairs or Mobility Aids are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis as capacity allows.
If you use a wheelchair or Mobility Aid while travelling with us, you must comply with the requirements identified in the Accessibility Guide, including:
Once your wheelchair or Mobility Aid is in the wheelchair area on our Cars, the brakes must be applied and the power (if applicable) must be switched off.
If you become unwell or have an accident while travelling with us
Please tell our staff immediately if you become unwell, or injure yourself getting on or off or travelling on our Cars.
Lost Property
We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for anything left on any of our Cars in any circumstances.
If you think you have lost property while travelling with us, please contact us ASAP and we can see if it has been found or handed in. Lost property is kept on-site for 14 days at which time we will dispose of it accordingly.
Security and Privacy
We strive to ensure you feel safe using the public transport network. Camera surveillance operates on some of our premises and Cars to enable us to deter and follow-up issues such as theft, assault, vandalism and other undesirable or unacceptable behaviour.
Enquiries relating to camera surveillance images or information should be addressed to Wellington Cable Car by email:
We may collect your personal information (including from camera surveillance and from your Tickets, including Multi Trip passes) for several purposes in connection with the provision of public transport services.
Wellington Cable Car Limited has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. This document discloses our information gathering and usage practices.
New Zealand has robust laws regarding the privacy and security of your personal information, in particular the Privacy Act 1993.
The team at WCCL will take every step to ensure that your information remains confidential. The document below is a summary of the policies and procedures WCCL will follow when dealing with your personal information.
All inquiries should be directed to the following:
Wellington Cable Car Limited
PO BOX 25094, Wellington 6140, NEW ZEALAND
Filming and Photography on the Cable Car
If you wish to film or photograph while on any of our Cars or premises other than for personal use, you must seek prior written permission from us by emailing:
If you wish to film or photograph while on any of our Cars or premises for personal use, we encourage you to be respectful of other people in doing so.
If you do not comply with these conditions
If you do not comply with these conditions, any conditions of use specified on paper Tickets, and the terms specified on the Wellington Cable Car website in our tickets and fares section we may cancel your ticket and require you to get off our Car or leave our premises. If this happens, you will not be entitled to a refund.
In addition to anything else in these conditions, we may not let you board a Car or we may require that you get off a Car or leave our premises (as applicable), if we believe that:
You are doing or have done anything that is not allowed under these conditions;
It is necessary for reasons of security or safety (yours or others);
It is necessary due to your failure to observe our instructions;
It is necessary to prevent an illegal act;
Your conduct, age, physical state (including intoxication, impairment by drugs and level of hygiene) or the nature or condition of your luggage, may:
Require special assistance that our staff are not able to provide;
Cause inconvenience to, discomfort to or objection from other passengers; or
Create a hazard or risk to you, other people or property;
You do not have a valid Ticket for your journey, or you have evaded or are attempting to evade a fare;
You have previously evaded a fare or been involved with vandalising our Cars, premises or equipment; or
Your conduct is inappropriate, or you are abusive towards our staff or other passengers or cause them any discomfort or offence.
You must get off a Car or leave our premises (and take your luggage with you) when our staff ask you to.
If you have caused any damage or loss to our Cars or premises or caused injury to any person, we may seek redress through appropriate legal channels.
Providing Feedback
We welcome suggestions and complaints as they help us to improve our services and to put things right when they have gone wrong. If you have any queries, suggestions or complaints, you can contact us through our website []
In regard to any complaint you make about our services or other communication with us that requires investigation and/or resolution:
Your personal information may be passed on to a third party, if we deem it necessary to do so, for the purpose of resolving the issues you raise; and
If you do not want your personal information to be passed on to a third party, you must specifically state this at the time of providing the information to us
Our Liability for Loss or Damage
Where we have not complied with our obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 we may be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the failure to comply so long as the loss or damage was reasonably foreseeable. We may also be liable for loss or damage to your property that results from intentional conduct or the gross negligence of our staff or employees.
We are not liable to you:
For any losses, damage, costs, distress or inconvenience suffered by you or any other person, or loss or damage to any property; or
For any losses, damages, costs, distress or inconvenience if we:
refuse to allow you to travel; or
refuse to allow you to travel with any luggage or other item; or
If our services depart early, arrive late, are cancelled or miss stops or terminates early; or
For any losses, damages, costs, distress or inconvenience as a result of a service disruption
Wellington Cable Car Limited Website Disclaimer
Information on this website is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
While every effort has been made to provide the most accurate information, we advise that information on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. WCCL may at any time and without notice make changes to, improvements to and/or alterations to the information and the products and services on this website.
WCCL makes no representations whatsoever about any other website which may be accessed through this site.
In no event will WCCL be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of this website or on any other hyperlinked website, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on information handling system or otherwise, even if you are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
When used in these conditions the following terms have the meaning beside them:
"Car" is a reference to the Cable Car, as applicable.
"Mobility Aid" refers to any mobility scooter or other personal mobility device in which a passenger remains seated and is self-propelled or electronically powered.
"Off-peak" periods are between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and after 6:30 pm on weekdays and all day on weekends and public holidays.
"SuperGold Card" is a discounts and concessions card for seniors and veterans issued by the New Zealand Ministry for Social Development.
"Ticket" refers to a right to travel, which may be in the form of a paper Ticket (such as cash tickets, Multi Trip passes, and Family Passes) or a validated NZ SuperGold Card, and may also require a proof of entitlement.
"Trip" refers to travel on the Cable Car between two locations.
"We", "us", "our" or "staff" means employees or contractors of Wellington Cable Car Limited.
"Wellington Cable Car", "WCCL", "Cable Car" or "the Cable Car" means Wellington Cable Car Limited.
"You" or "your" means any passenger using a Cable Car or a person who is on premises that form part of the Wellington Cable Car.
Last Updated: 01 July 2024
WCCL only collects personal information for the purpose of facilitating the products and services purchased.
WCCL only collects personal information that is required to provide the product or service being purchased and/or supplied.
WCCL collects no personal information other than that required to sell and/or supply the products and services requested by the customer and that which is volunteered by the customer.
WCCL will not share personal information collected with third parties other than those required in the provision of the services and products purchased by the customer or as required by New Zealand law. Third parties involved in the delivery of the services and products purchased by the customer will use that customers’ personal information, as supplied by WCCL solely for the purposes of delivering the services or products purchased.
WCCL does not and will not rent or sell your personal information.
WCCL stores all personal information supplied by the customer on a secure database with controlled access.
Alteration or deletion of personal information
A customer may, at any stage request WCCL to alter, update or delete personal information by corresponding with WCCL using the above listed contact details.
WCCL uses a secure credit card system supplied by Digital Payment Solutions (DPS) for processing credit cards. WCCL displays the DPS logo on the payment pages of its web sites, for further information please follow the link provided. All credit card payments are processed by DPS. WCCL does not store any credit card numbers.
No data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, unless it is processed through a Secure Credit Card System such as that provided by DPS. While WCCL strives to protect your personal information it cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted by the customer via email or customer response form.
WCCL does not sell or rent your personal identification to third parties.
We release personal information only when we believe release is appropriate to comply with law; enforce or apply our terms and conditions; or protect the rights, property, or safety of Wellington Cable Car Limited, our users, or others.
It is our policy to immediately remove any customer from any mailing list upon the customer’s request.
We do use email as a means of receiving feedback from our customers, and we encourage you to email us with your questions or comments.